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Wonder Woman vs Super Nazi

Wonder Woman vs Super Nazi

HELL ON SKIS Steve is not where he is supposed to be.Suspicion the mission’s comprised,a Special Forces Team is gearing up.Wonder Woman won’t wait. © ownership DC COMICSTM ownership DC COMICSWriter: Gerry ConwayDesign-penciller: James...
The Fly #1 (series reboot)

The Fly #1 (series reboot)

THE FLY Spider Bites The Fly disappeared 20 years ago when his secret alter ego was a 12-year old boy. Now… The Fly returns. And the Spider escapes prison to finally exact his revenge. ©1980 RED CIRCLE/ARCHIE COMICSWriter: Jack C HarrisDesigner-illustrator:...
Silver Surfer #39

Silver Surfer #39

FIGHT GAME Surfing the cosmic waves in orbit around a giant uninhabitable planet, the warrior-philosopher finds dark danger thriving on its lava-encrusted moon. He wants no part of the locals’ insatiable hunger for death games. But learns they hold captivehis...
Legion of Super Heroes Origins & Powers

Legion of Super Heroes Origins & Powers

AD3016 Teenagers from other planets Arriving on Earth to audition their powers, they hope to be selected into the Legion: the unofficial guardians of the galaxy. © ownership: DC ComicsTM ownership: DC Comics Writer: Paul LevitzPenciller: James ShermanInkers: Jack...
Legion of Super-Heroes Plus episodes 262 and 300/5

Legion of Super-Heroes Plus episodes 262 and 300/5

Extraordinary Teenagerswreaking havoc on galactic super-villains © ownership: DC ComicsTM ownership: DC Comics Writers: Gerry Conway, Jack C. Harris, Paul Kupperberg, & Paul LevitzDesign-penciller: James ShermanIllustration-inkers: Jack Abel, Bob McLeod, Joe...
Legion of Super-Heroes

Legion of Super-Heroes

The power to build or wreck a solar system is within the abilities of teens© ownership: DC ComicsTM ownership: DC Comics Writers: Gerry Conway, Jack C. Harris, Paul Kupperberg, & Paul LevitzDesign-penciller: James ShermanIllustration-inkers: Jack Abel, Bob McLeod,...