My favorite means to adventure into the Global Garden
- To record encounters with people, exotic landscapes, exteriors, interiors, food, items, maps, tales, scenes, and events without use of a camera or video
- But i now carry a “PnC”* for images that change too quick to sketch
- Pay your own way
- Carry your own weight
- The Path is not a road
- Avoid means of personal transport whenever possible
- Travel with only what you can carry on your person
- To keep your hands empty
- To pursue when need arises
- • What goes around does come around; act accordingly
- Whether you believe it or not
- Play dumb; don’t ever be dumb
- Do not carry a bad attitude
- Unless willing to back it up and die trying
- There will be peace or else.
* [Point and Capture camera: emailable, downloadable, uploadable, Skypeable images]