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Author: Arthur C. Clarke

  • Right next to Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger In A Strange Land and Ray Brabury’s Martian Chronicles, Childhood’s End was my equal favorite book. Asked to contribute concept sketches for the mission to translate A.C.Clarke’s famous masterpiece to the bigscreen, there was no way I would say no. 
  • Having just agreed to design and illustrate a script written by Jack C. Harris, I split attention between the Legion of Super-Heroes and Childhood’s End. I showed rough sketch concepts of key frames for the Childhood’s End pitch presentation, and refocused all my attention on LSH issue 262.
  • The images presented by Continuity Graphics Studio were spectacularly mind blowing. But Childhood’s End is a dialog-driven story and the project was initiated pre-CGI. Those incredible images by Neal Adams and Lynn Varley weren’t quite getting the Director’s technical support for the practicals required.
  • Less-than-desired-solutions to the design concepts gave the minds-in-charge cause to pause. They reconsidered the fantastic visuals were better suited to support an action-driven story loosely based on the book. The mission was refocused as a TV series and the project renamed.